Become A Volunteer

We need you.

Who can apply the program?

Fact Charity is non-profit making and therefore it’s hard to imagine where we would be today without the support of our volunteers!

As a charity we know the true value of volunteering which means people choosing to give up their free time to help others and make the world a better place.

Here are just two examples we need your help and support with:

  • Kids clubs assistants – to work alongside our experienced staff and will help at our Slide and Seek, Bowling or Respite Club. Must be aged 16 years and over
  • Community Fundraisers – to help at local events and promote our Charity to the public.

How To Apply?

Step 1

Find out more about us by following us on Twitter and/or Facebook and check out the events and fundraisers you may be able to help with.

Step 2

We will be happy to discuss your thoughts and ideas please call Clare on 07817 472 823.

Step 3

Some roles are weekly, monthly and some ad-hoc. We also have many events throughout the year that you can get involved in with no other commitment need.  If you would like to know more about volunteering at FACT please email